Learn to Sing

At what age can my child learn to sing? 
Most singing teachers agree that a growing body needs to be taught with care. This is better done by a specialist in the field. If you want your child to learn, ask a prospective teacher about the singing successes of his/her past pupils. If the teaching is good the pupil will sing well as an adult. 


Am I too old to learn? 
Health allowing, the answer is probably no. Christine started herself at 41 and has successfully taught beginners in their sixties. At whatever age, if there is a physical problem with your breathing, throat or heart you ought to consult a doctor first. Otherwise singing technique is physically and mentally very good for you. 


Do I have to take examinations? 
No. However many pupils do so to mark their progress, gaining good exam marks at all levels, which is seen as a confirmation of teaching methods. All examinations are with recognised boards. 


How long will it take to learn? 
Although coaching is available for a special event, like any musical instrument, learning to sing takes time, so the real answer is life. Of course you can stop learning whenever you like, but a true musician will continue training as long as they wish to perform. With learning to sing, you need to think long term, i.e. months and years rather than weeks. 


How often must I have lessons? 
Weekly is best (allowing for holidays and sickness) with a minimum of once a fortnight. Less than this and you will find that you can not remember things you have been taught, and so are wasting your money. 


How hard must I study? 
Lessons are not just a ‘sing-a-long’, you are coming to learn HOW to sing. If you want to make progress you need to take the work seriously and apply yourself to the job in hand. However singing lessons should be fun. In fact if you take yourself too seriously you might find it difficult. 


What will I learn? 
You will learn singing technique, i.e. how to use your body correctly to sing, teaching you to sing with a safe and healthy use of the voice. Also on offer are subjects like: sight singing, music theory and aural work, all of which are needed for exams. Teaching all aspects of musicality, gives growing confidence and competence. 


How long must I practice? 
This varies, starting at 10-15minutes a day. Practice should be regular and consistent along the lines suggested by your teacher. Should you reach diploma standards, practice can rise to 1-2 hours a day. Remember singing is loud. Volume will increase as you improve. You might prefer to practice when the house is empty! This is an important consideration if you want to learn to sing properly. 


What type of music will I sing? 
Pupils come for many reasons; covering many types of music from ‘folk’ to ‘opera’ but all have to start somewhere. Normally this will be with early exercises and simple songs. After this you can sing any style of music you like as long as it is within your ability. Be ready to take advice. You may find that your taste in music changes as you progress. 


Where will I get my music from? 
Music can be provided at retail price. But you may prefer to look for you own. The nearest shop is “Music in Print” in Merstham, there are also local music shops at East Grinstead, Tunbridge Wells or Sevenoaks. The Internet is also a useful source of supply – as long as you know what you want to buy. 

Registered as a Singing Teacher with:


The Incorporated Society of Musicians


The Association of Teachers of Singing


The British Voice Association

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© Christine Cottingham.